Cardas Clear USB cable... anyone tried it?

Dealer says 100 hours break-in...

I'm wondering if it's going to compete with my RSA USB Poeima cables?

:) listening,

Hi Northberg1... yeah, I'm very curious; thanks for picking up the discussion. Just carrying the Cardas name isn't enough these days. Cables are system dependent, and this is true for USB cables used as a part of a music server system. Computer and DAC are all a part of it. It takes time to burn a USB cable in and experience with other cables to evaluate. I just don't have the time or inclination right now to test this cable right now even though the dealer I spoke gives a 30 return/customer satisfaction privilege.

:) listening,


Have not tried that one.Have tried 3 others with no noticeable[sp] difference,YMMV,Bob
I am also curious... and bought finally the furutech gt2 usb cable..
Somebody experienced both, the cardas and the furutech usb's...?
Thank u