Cardas Clear USB cable... anyone tried it?

Dealer says 100 hours break-in...

I'm wondering if it's going to compete with my RSA USB Poeima cables?

:) listening,

Have not tried that one.Have tried 3 others with no noticeable[sp] difference,YMMV,Bob
I am also curious... and bought finally the furutech gt2 usb cable..
Somebody experienced both, the cardas and the furutech usb's...?
Thank u
I had a Locus Design Axis usb cable, it was VERY good. It's pricey too, but to me it was worth it. I changed dacs to a firewire dac and no longer needed a usb cable or I would still have it.
Sorry to revive this thread, but has anyone had a chance to try this cable yet?

I just got an Ayre QB-9 and I'm trying to figure out which cable to try out, and so far it's between the Cardas, Transparent, and Ridge Street Audio Poiema/Alethias.