Can speakers be both "big" and "accurate" ?

I've got a small dilemma on my hands and I think I need some outside influence. I've been upgrading my old college stuff (you don't wanna know), and now have a Sonic Frontiers Line1, Bryston 4BST, Rega Planar25, etc, etc. Don't want to get into a discussion about interconnects, please. I've got a 14'x18' room, firing down the long end, and am in the market for speakers. I have auditioned various different types and brands of speakers- I'm not hung up on a name as long as it works with my Line1 & 4BST. In all of my attempts, I haven't yet heard a set of speakers that can do "BIG", as in "fill-the-room-with-sound-big" (or "stupid-loud", as I've sometimes heard it described), while AT THE SAME TIME be "accurate", "detailed", etc, etc, like a mini-monitor. I've got a set of B&W CDM1-NT's in another system, and while I like their clean, accurate sound in that smaller space, they just don't do it for me in the main system. I'm thinking larger floor standers to get the "big" sound thing, but I also want the details and "there" there when I listen to accoustic jazz. Are these two things mutually exclusive, and if not, suggestions? I'm budgeting around $3k. Is this realistic? I really appreciate your time reading this! Thanks!
Find a 2-way rear ported speaker that goes down to around 32Hz. and you'll do fine.

My room is the same dimensions as yours which does not need to be taken up by big Panel Speaker's and the like.

JM Labs,Revel,JMR(Jean Marie Reynaud),DeCapos,ProAc's,Legacy and Canton I would look at .I know Canton sells speaker's that go down below 30Hz.JM Labs I do not know about ,but I know they use great drivers.

You have alot to choose from and I would look for quality sound.The list can go on and you have to go hear for yourself and when you hear it you'll know.It's kind of magical when you finally find the sound you are in search for.Sometimes it takes yrs. though.

I had thought that Panels' were the speaker's I liked the most until I bought a set and had to give up a place that had a giant living room.Then I had to revert back to Box speaker's and I could live with thm,but they did not have the transparency that the panels did.Then I heard NEAR's which had the same trait's,took up less room and had dynamics I could not experience with Panels.BTW I had listtened to alot of Panels Accustats,Maggies,ML's.

Just keep going out and listening and you'll find the Speaker soound your after.Remember to take your own music that you know really well also.

Wish people could hear my 2-Ways because they have enough Bass for all ,but the most discriminating Bass Freak!I have a Sub,but feel I really do not need it.

Happy Hunting!
Can a large speaker fill the room and be accurate as well? Oh my yes. Take for example an Apogee Duetta Signature. Tall (5 foot)planar two way that goes for about $1400-1800 around here. Will most definately fill the room with sound and can be astonishingly accurate from the upper bass on up, especially on vocals. Bass easily extends into the 30 hz range but is best used with a GOOD sub and a GOOD electronic x-over (like a Marchand or Bryston)to cut the lows off of the bass panel. Several subs have pretty good internal electronic x-overs with transparent high pass sections.

Properly set up and fed (which your 4B-ST is certainly cabable of doing) you'll be glued to your seat and wittness to an at times breath taking musical experience.