Proac vs. Meadowlark

I'm interested to know if anyone has listened to both brands. Plan on using them with a all tube system. I'm more interested in two-way speakers.

Dont worry about it..both are great...Meadowlark might be more efficient in a montior...enjoy....
I have had both ProAc Response 1 SC and Meadowlark Kestrel and Verio in my system with a CJ MV 60. They all work well with tubes. Each has its own strengths depending on what you want and expect. ProAc is more detailed or maybe brighter than Meadowlark. Meadowlark has a different sounding bass, maybe more bass. Midrange on both are close, with Meadowlark being a bit warmer. ProAcs are very stand dependent and Meadowlark need at least 6 feet between them to really image well.

What is your budget? There are options based upon price, music preference and the rest of your system.

I think you pretty well covered it! I was most curious about the bass, and the midrange. I do prefer my midrange a bit sweet, so most likely I will go with Meadowlark. But perhaps I will opt to get a pair of used Shearwaters. I am interested in the Osprey, but it is a bit out of my price range for new. And there aren't enough people here that have lsitened to them yet.

My music? Mostly jazz, blues, and a bit of classical.

thanks for the help!