Thiel 7.2: amps suggestions please

I'm a 7.2 owner who looking for a really good amp to match with my speakers. My actual ss monoblocks rated at 250 watts(doubling on 4, 2,1 ohm) Class A probably are not enough: my feeling is that 7.2's eats power like no other speaker except Apogees ! Welcome to any suggestion, specially from 7.2 owners. Thanks.
Manley or VTL big monoblocks. Like you said, the more power, the better. Perhaps the large Atma-Spheres, but even that may not be enough. Not too many options that I know of. I've seen them demoed with Audio Research monos, but IMHO, you can do better for the same money.
Have you asked Thiel? Cheers,
Thank you Spencer. As far as your question, no, I don't ask yet... but probably I'll email to Shari soon ;-) How about Pass Labs X600 ?

I only have the 6's but they require similar power and Mcintosh 1201's just make the grade. There is an awful awakening around 3-400 watts into an absolute treasure of sound. If you are in or near NY you are welcome to audition. I am sure you are aware Thiel highly suggests Krell.
You may glean some useful info from a thread I initiated on 6-25-04 titled "Thiel 7.2 or Revel studios". I have done extensive research regarding the Thiels CS7.2 I have called Thiel and have been in contact with Sheri. I have gone as far as to schedule a flight on Aug.20th to tour the factory and listen to the amp/pre amp combos they have set up. Theil told me that they continuously try various combonations of associated gear, however they mentioned that the BAT VK 51 SE pre amp combined with the BAT VK 600 (Mono for 600 wpc into a 8 ohm load) produced one of the best sounds they have heard from their speakers. Obviously their listening preference may or maynot be the same as yours. They did say that the combo of tube pre amp with SS power amp produced some of the best results in their listening test. I can speak from first hand experience (according to my listening preference) that the combo of BAT VK 51 SE and Pass Labs X600 was nothing short of breathtaking. I want to listen to a few more combos before I lay that kind of cash on the table. I would be willing to give you my opion of what I heard at Thiel from the 7.2 and the associated gear they used.