What speaker for Bryston 14B-SST?

I listen to rock and acousic folk. Does any one have a speaker combintaion that they are happy with the Bryston 14B-SST.
I listen to a lot of rock with a high powered amp (Spectron Musician II) and I’m very happy using a pair of Silverline La Folia’s. They are an 8 ohm speaker rated at 90db and will handle 1000 watts. They incorporate 4 great drivers— Dynaudio Esotar tweeter, Dynaudio mid, ScanSpeak mid woofer and a rear firing Focal woofer. They go down to 22hz and can play really loud without strain when there is a lot of watts available (Bryston 14B-SST) to push them. They are equally enjoyable listening to vocals and classical. Good luck.
Currently running a pair of B&W 9 NTs hooked to a 14 BST(according to James Tanner at Bryston the 14 BST is identical to the 14 BSST,except for the facia handle design)with outstanding results.Guess you could call it an overkill.The bass definition on,for example, Patricia Barber's Verse is something to drool about.Intend,budget permitting, to upgrade to B&W 802Ns.The short point is that in the 14 BSST you have one of the best power amps available.You can spend 8k to 10 k more on a krell or ML
w/o achieving any significant improvement.There is no such thing as a perfect match between amp and speaker.Go for the speakers that sound best with the music that you like with the assurance that the bryston can drive the most difficult loads with ease.
I am getting Bryston 7B-SST in 2 days for my Revel Ultima Salons. I emailed James Tanner at Bryston about differences between 14B-ST, 14B-SST, and 7B-SST and he said they are sonically all the same.

However, I have read some online mag reviews stating a slight preference for the 7B-SST.

I have not heard the 7B-SST but I heard and liked the 14B-ST. I have also heard these speakers with the ML 436 and decided on the Bryston instead. I thought they sounded just as good and was half the price. I also went with the 7B-SST over the 14B-ST because of the greater flexiblity with placement.