What speaker for Bryston 14B-SST?

I listen to rock and acousic folk. Does any one have a speaker combintaion that they are happy with the Bryston 14B-SST.
The speakers I have with my 7BSSTs are PMC IB1s. They must be heard to be believed. Awesome combination. I am "finished" improving my system!
My Von Schweikert VR4 SE's seem to really, really like the Bryston 14B SST, however I haven't tried them with any other amp so I have no comparison to offer.
I second csjb's comments about PMC (the Professional Monitor Company, a British outfit). I'm running the tiny TB2s with Bryston's (also tiny) B60. PMC voices their loudspeakers with Bryston amplification, so the synergy is excellent.