Best electronics for Vandersteen 5/5A

I have a pair of Vandersteen 5A's on order and would be interested in hearing recommendations as to the best electronics to mate with the speakers.
I am using a CBII with a Dreadnaught II amp for my ht with Vandy 5's. I like the way my system sounds very much.

If you did not get the external high-pass xovers with your purchace, I would order a pair as they sound better than digital xovers.
Cary V12 monos seemed perfect on the 5s at the HE show two years back. Magical sound.
I have 5As on order and will start out using an ARC LS25 MKII and an ARC VT100 MKIII. This decision was based on listening at my dealers and some general feedback from a number of Vandersteen users that ARC tube equipment is a great match. I can let you know in the future how it works out.
Zargon, i have heard that exact combo extensively, and it sounds wonderful. I am sure you will be pleased.

I am using vandrsteen 5's with an ARC LS15 , CD3, and a classe ca101. I am happy with the sound, but will probably switch the amp for a vt100 mk 2 or 3.
Thanks again for the responses. I ended up going with the BAT VK 51SE preamp and BAT VK 150SE amps (monoblocks). I am waiting for delivery and will let you know how it turns out once everything is up, running and broken in.