subwoofer for Quad 988 electrostatics

I am the owner of the Quad 988's along with Thor TPA 60
watt monblocks with a Thor Preamp. The rest consists of a
Cary CD Player and a VPI turntable. I have previously started a thread with regard to the best speaker around $15,000 per pair. It was suggested that I consider a subwoofer instead. Well, after careful reading it was suggested that I try the Audio Physic Minos subwoofer, which
in Issue 137/138 was reviewed very favorably in the Absolute
Sound. In fact, Paul Seydor owns the 988 and said the sub
blended seamlessly. The other choices are: 1. Vandersteen
2. Definitive Technology Reference Cube, 3. Martin Logan Descent 4. Alon Thunderbolts I am looking for a front firing subwoofer like the Minos as a downfiring sub will
really vibrate my tile floors. Has any fellow audiophiles heard the Minos, or heard it with the Quads?, or has anybody heard the Quad 988's with any sub that blends well
witht he 988's. Thank you in advance for any light that you can shed on the above.
The Quad 988 has adaquate bass if the right amp is used with them. I am not familiar with the amps you have. So, I can't comment if it is right for the 988. Adding a subwoofer to the 988 is like mixing a bottle of fine wine with a bottle of coke, just because you think the wine doesn't taste sweet. The quad speaker is one of the very best speaker ever made. They are full of details and information and have very adequate natural and accurate bass, provided you have the right amplifier for them. When I said the bass is natural and accurate because there is no box to create the kind of bass you think that is "there". I go to live classical concert all the time. What I hear in a well performed piece of music is not "extended in both ends" like so many of us look for in music playback. I didn't hear any over emphasis of bass and treble. When the brass or violins played, I don't hear any ear-piercing highs or when the 10 double bass come in, I don't hear the any earth moving low-end extension. What I hear is music in unison and in harmony. The quad speakers are one of the most natural and real music reproduction speakers ever made. So many of us audiophiles nowadays chase after something that we think is real music, but instead we are really hearing something that is very un-natural and fake. So, don't ruin the very fine bottle of wine you have. I hope I didn't sound like I am preaching. Hope this helps a little.
I couldn't agree more with Blptwp. And I love his fine wine and coke analogy. It's spot on. Like the Quads (I have both 989's and Crosby 63's), his post has "perfect pitch".
(disclaimer: I sell Quad equipment).

I have had good luck integrating both the Rel Storm and the Audio Physic Luna. The Luna does have one little problem in that it's crossover is at 32hz and 46hz. In my large (15x28 with vaults) room, I find that 36hz is ideal.

I probably listen to the 988's with and without a subwoofer an even amount. The sub is nice for far field listening because it gives truly deep bass and gives a weightier soundstage. Without the sub, the Quads have a more 'pure' sound due to their crossoverless single driver design. In a smaller room the 988's do give stronger bass. You can improve their bass by putting a diffusor panel (or thin bookcase with staggered books) behind them rather than pure dampening (or reflective surface). A diffusor is preferred because the Quad is designed to use both the forward firing wave, and the reflected backward firing wave.

It is true that putting a big amplifier on the Quads does improve the bass considerably. The bass you get has that fine detail, ultra speedy and 'cut of the same cloth' quality. I find that I most prefer a large tube amp (225w+) with them. This greatly improves the attack and 'shape' of bass notes.
As the person responsible for putting the subwoofer idea into your head (I think it was my post, anyway) I'll chip in on the first two responses to this thread.

I think you have to find a quad dealer who also sells a quality subwoofer (add REL to the list ... yes they fire down, but they will work for purposes of finding out whether you like the subwoofer concept). Ask for a demo of the 988s with a sub and see if you like it.

The reason that I think you need to take time to do a demo, is that many audiophiles don't like subwoofers, and will advise you that they are a bad idea. I have found that those that don't like them hold this view for one of two reasons:
1) Deep bass is just not important to them.
2) They have have never heard a correctly setup subwoofer.

I would hazard a guess that the two above posters fall into category 1). However their tastes might be different from yours.

Personally deep bass is important to me because music is just not enjoyable without it. Minimonitors sound lifeless to me, and without the depth and scale I couldn't care less about imaging and transparency. If you don't have a smile on your face and tapping feet what's the point ?

My main speakers, Spica angelus, though much cheaper, and I would expect inferior, to the quads have been compared to quad electrostatics in that they excel (within their price bracket) in the same areas as the quads. Midrange, imaging, and microdynamics are excellent. However until I added the sub I just didn't enjoy listening to them because without the deep bass there was no scale to the music, no rhythm, no pulse.

Last weekend a friend visited and listened to my system. He fell into category 2) above. He said he had never heard a subwoofer system that sounded truly integrated and would therefore never buy a subwoofer, instead opting for large, bass-producing main speakers. After listening to my system he completely changed his mind about subwoofers. He commented that the sub made the spicas come alive, without detracting from them in any way. He also commented that he could absolutely not tell that any of the sound was coming from the sub until I turned it off halfway through a track.

Anyway, the point of this rambling post is that you should go and listen to some 988s with a good subwoofer, from a dealer that believes in the subwoofer setup and see if it moves you. You'll know within the first 30 seconds of listening whether you're onto something, or whether you really need to change your main speakers.