Moving from Magnepan MGIIIA to 3.6

It may be time to think about trading my beloved MGIIIA up to a pair of the 3.6's. Anybody here make that move? Is there enough of a difference in a positive direction to warrant the expenditure? For the record, my III's are in great shape in both cosmetics and sonics. I am the second owner and the ribbons were replaced when I got them in 1994.
The rest of my setup is listed under systems, and my amps are up to the task of driving the 3.6
Damn Tireguy...just let me know when their finished,where you live and when your going on vacation! I'll swing thru and pick them up.LOL!!!
Tireguy, what does a x-o like the one you have cost and how much time to build? Does it improve bass or go any lower?

Jim- I have about $1200 into the crossover's using less expensive caps from Solen, with the pricer caps I am going to test with it will be around $2k+. I wanted to start with caps that didn't cost a ton, make sure it worked before I spent a LOT of money on caps- I realize the solen's aren't the best by any means but they are a nice place to start and they are available in any value you could think of! I am told they have impart a tin like sound when used in passive crossovers, so I am looking forward to trying auricaps or something more "high end".

Bass goes lower and is much more natural sounding- its faster(if you can believe that!), more articulate, linear, deeper; it is so much better I wasn't expecting this level of performance gain to be honest. And the mid and tweeter with the goertz coils and new caps is stunning- I am going to try different gauge coils and cryo treat them to see what happens :)

Gmood1- I am just out side of Albany, NY; and they are finished and operational- though I am doing more testing with different components. I have one request try not to break any window's, glass is such a mess to clean up :)
It only took an hour of listening with music I know well to convince me. As good as the MG III is, the 3.6R is a quantum leap. I took the plunge today and purchased a pair of 3.6R's. My III's have served me well and I still love them, but those seductive 3.6's.... It's going to take about a week for them to arrive at my dealer from Magnepan. They called while i was there, and they have the wood/sock color combo I wanted in stock(light oak w/off white socks). New technology with retro Maggie looks. As a coda, I also just got a nine week old Golden Retriever pup. Her name: Maggie
Slipknot1- Let us know how the Maggie's get along with one another :) Congratulations on the purchase, the gift that will keep on giving- aka man's best friend :) Enjoy the new speakers, and if/when your ready to tweak'em let me know!