Moving from Magnepan MGIIIA to 3.6

It may be time to think about trading my beloved MGIIIA up to a pair of the 3.6's. Anybody here make that move? Is there enough of a difference in a positive direction to warrant the expenditure? For the record, my III's are in great shape in both cosmetics and sonics. I am the second owner and the ribbons were replaced when I got them in 1994.
The rest of my setup is listed under systems, and my amps are up to the task of driving the 3.6
Let's hope Maggie the Pup doesn't do a Maggie the Pee or Maggie the Poop near or on your Maggies!

Congratulations on your 3.6Rs (a speaker that has always pleased me when I've heard them in a friend’s system)...and the understanding spouse. Well, till the next purchase that is.

Best regards.
All is well, after almost a year of running them in. Maggie the pup is now a year old, and a great dog. Many changes, speaker continues to amaze, hypnotize, sometimes frustrate. Rives Audio makeover has made the room a solid performer, as well as create a dedicated space off limits to my pooches. Supratek Chenin preamp has been "on order" for almost 8 months now, not sure what's up with that.. Every month I'm told 1 to 2 more weeks, then a month goes by and still I wait.

Believe it or not, my wife turned our living room over to me and Rives for creation of a dedicated room... Gotta love that (and her)!