Comparing ProAc, Totem, Soliloquy, Tyler

I've been a happy long time ProAc monitor owner. Specifically, Response 1SCs and Tablette 50 Signatures.

However, I've been wondering about other well regarded makes of monitors and even floor standers especially those by Totem, Soliloquy, and Tyler and how they compare tonally to ProAcs, in general.

What I enjoy about ProAcs is their blend of warmth with detail and their outstanding soundtaging and imaging. I've compared my monitors directly to Sonus Faber Concertinos and Vienna Acoustics Haydns and preferred the ProAcs for their focused yet romantic nature.

I listen to a wide variety of music, but mostly favor genres with acoustic instrumentals and vocals, and I'm finding that given a choice I'd favor a nice full midrange over a sonic character many might consider more correct.

I'd appreciate any Audiogon experiences relating what they changed to from ProAcs or vice versa. Or any opinions of perceived differences between ProAcs and other brands that I might like.

Thanks for your help,
You've got good comparison selections to make. IMHO it is ENTIRELY up to YOUR ears to make the determinations. The posts you receive can point you in directions to audition. That said, I would suggest, if possible, you take a listen to the JMR Reynaud Trentes. Soundstaging, vocal reproduction and some of the other qualities you seek can be found here. Will they lift your ears particularly -- Dunno. The suggestion is that if you can, give them a listen.

Hey guys, thanks for the opinions and recommendations. I'm looking into Totems, Castles and JM Reynauds. I appreciate the help!
Can anyone with Totem experience comment on this:

I've only heard Totmes at shows and they have always been extremely impressive. But Vince has always had them cranked up LOUD. How do Totems (Hawk, Forest, Model 1 Signature, Mani-2) sound at low volume? Some speakers just "ain't right" unless you crank them up, Wondering if this is true of Totems. Thanks.
My one experience with Totem speakers was at the last CES in Vegas, and I was impressed as well. I believe I was listening to Staafs or Hawks which were being played at fairly moderate levels and they sounded very well balanced. The electronics was McIntosh.

The only thing more impressive than the music was his beautiful wife[?], who kept kneeling in front of me and turning knobs...not mine sadly, but the music was great!
I think she's the marketing director. Definitely a factor in keeping the rooms packed at shows.