JVC XRCD CDs, are they worth the extra cash?

I am considering purchasing some, do they really sound better than the standards? How about the "gold" and the like?

Most XRCDs are better than the "standards" and some are not better, but merely just as good. Although, I have yet to hear a standard sound better than a XRCD. Examples: Jazz at the Pawnshop is the best I've heard. Mancini's Charade and Breakfast at Tiffanys are excellent.

At the CES I asked the JVC XRCD reps why the pop recordings were not in their catalog. The reps replied that "those" cds are not officially licensed for sale in the US and may actually be bogus. Of these "unofficial" recordings; Nat King Coles Love Songs is really smooth but lacks dynamics and transparency. The Dire Straits "Brothers In Arms" is thin and digital sounding (the reissue cd is just as good, the lp is the best, however, the recording may just be thin and digital sounding). Ditto for the Eagles "Hell Freezes Over." Also, there are some Chinese XRCDs of Chinese singers like Faye Wong and Teresa Teng, that may be of interest to those who have diverse musical interests.
Gboren: I suspect that JVC wouldn't want to tell you that their disks are available on other labels for less than $20. I have a few of the Fantasy Jazz K2 releases, and they clearly state that they were mastered by someone at JVC. Rest assured, JVC did not bother to do 2 separate remasterings, so it's a fair bet that the XRCD and Fantasy releases are identical.
I'd rather own the XRCDs than the many SACD disc i have heard. Now if they would add a few more discs to their collection. I will buy all that is of interest to me.
I agree that there may be no difference between XRCD and K2, but I specifically recall comparing the notes on 2 versions of Sonny Rollins, Saxophone Colossus. The XRCD one, which I am holding as I type, says:

XRCD mastering - Alan Yoshida under supervision of Akira Taguchi (A&M Mastering Studios, Hollywood).

Although I no longer own it, I am certain I compared this to the notes on the Prestige 20bit K2 version and it was digitally mastered by someone else. Does anyone out there have the Prestige 20bitK2 version? If so, can you confirm this?

Having said that, I, like you, have yet to be convinced that there is a real difference.
Ultrakaz, I have to disagree on the XRCD of Dire Straits Brothers In Arms. I have the original cd, the reissue and now the XRCD. The XRCD far surpassed the others in quality, dynamics, and quieter background.