Are Von Schweikert VR-2s worth auditioning?

I'm considering The VR-2s as a replacement for my Totem Arros. I listen to a lot of electronic music, Oakenfold and the like. I've read good reviews on these and they fit my budget at $2,500. I'm not willing to spend 2 or 3 times more. Problem is, I would have to travel to audition them.
Does anybody out there who owns these listen to my kind of music? Or do you have any thoughts on whether or not I'd be wasting my time? I'm looking for a speaker with excellent overall presentation, including nice tight and clean bass response, but not bass heavy. For obvious size limitations, the Arros just didn't cut it.
We bought the smallest. On a side note, my husband was conflicted about buying the shot. On one hard, he felt like we were supporting the gun industry. On the other, we took two bags of lead shot and prevented them from being used in bullets. It's a dilemma. :)

For my room, Paul had me move the speakers closer together. I now have them 9 ft. apart center to center. I also moved them further from the wall (and learned that you measure to the front of the speaker not the back of the cabinet) to 3 ft. away. They could stand to be further, but my room is too narrow. It's about 15 x 11 with the speakers on the long wall and lots of doorways. Not an ideal listening room! Now I am almost in an equilateral triangle. The speakers are still a foot, foot and a half, further from each other than the listening seat.

I have noticed an improvement, but I still need to do the fine-tuning. I've done nothing with toe in yet. I'm on day 8 of a migraine, which doesn't work well with pink noise or concentrated listening. However, if you want to know how Law and Order sounds on the speakers, I'm your girl. :P
Thanks for all the wonderfully positive feedback on the VR-2's. They are special.
We are swamped right now with show (CES) preparations at VSA, so contact with our operations staff may be difficult.
We are introducing a new speaker, the VR-11 which lists for about $125,000. The great thing about that kind of product is, that the lessons learned, and the newer technologies, tried, proven, then employed, always find their way into all of our other products.
Look soon for the VR4jr. It will prove to be stunning in its price range too.
Best to all, and Happy Holidays
Larry R. Staples
President Emeritus, Von Schweikert Audio, Worldwide Business Development
PS. If I can ever help any one of you do not hesitate to contact me personally.
Certainly enough positive responses here about the VR2s, but I could not resist to add just one more recommendation because I believe these are truly a special product.

Regarding placement and the "floating ball of sound" described in the manual. It's tough to find, but well worth the effort. Once your set up is correct you will know it...the pin point sweet spot suddenly becomes the ball of sound as described. I thought my set up was spot on before but I just finished about 3 weeks of trying different placements. I initially had a wide set up with considerable toe in, I ended up with a nearly equilateral triangle with very little toe-in (maybe less toe in works best with the rear tweeter?) pulled way out (6ft!) from the front wall. Of course results will vary depending upon rooms.

Best of luck.
Most assuredly, ass-oradlly worth it!!

I have heard them sound great on amplifiers ranging from high-powered SS amps, high-powered tubed or even low-powered SET's.

The rare case where they did not work well was due to the rooms bass behavior. Cubical rooms need not apply.

Though a high-order crossover, the design in no way hurts imaging...these babies (when set up according to instructions...imagine that) throw a huge, precise, sound stage that has remarkable height too.

The speaker IMHO doesn't so much excell at any one thing (though the bass is outstanding), as they do in their balance of characteristics. They do everything they do in service of the music. Coherence is the word here.
Can anyone comment on the VR-2s adequacy in a room that measures 17' x 21' x 12'. At only 40" in height, has the VR-2 enough gusto for a room that size? Thanks.