A few questions for Green Mountain Europa owners

I am considering these speakers and had a few questions. What are your overall impressions? What amp are you running them with? What types of music do they do best? Can you tell me of areas where they fall a little short?

I have purchased three pairs of speakers in the past two years from Anthony, including the Europas.He is easy to deal with and carries an extensive range of products.

Hello Tcbannon I also own the Europas. They are powered by a Adcom 535 MKII 60 wpc and a Dared SL-2000a tube preamp.I concur with the other posters these speakers have no real signature of their own. You can make them sound the way you want ..just by changing something up stream.They don't have gut punching bass but give you the pitch and definition of the instruments like no other speaker I have heard..of course I haven't heard them all.They seem to do this without being clinical.In one word ..Real is the only way to describe them.

Good Luck with the hunt!
Well what can I say that has not been said before
dozens of times already? They Europas are fantastic
and it sort of ticks me off as it has taken some of
fun out of trying new speakers. I am now convinced as
I am looking for a new speaker to try. But every time
I listen to the Europas I know GM sound is the only
sound I can probably live with at this point. I am
thinking on ordering a pair of C-3's or adding a
sub or two to the Europas!!?? Don't know which would
be the better move.

Darn you Roy! :o)
They use a 6 inch aurasound paper composite woofer and 1 inch morel soft dome tweeter.
Tc, I use the Europa's powered by a modified citation 24 power amp(100wpc)and a straight line pre-amp. They replaced ADS L-1290's in my system. I have heard many speakers over the years both as a consumer as well as a high end audio salesman. In my opinion, the Europa's do human voice as well as anything I have heard. I think thats the key to these speakers. Voice range. The top end is smooth and silky, and the bass is fast and well defined(down to 40-45hz) but the midrange these things produce is simply breathtaking. I have a friend here that listens to live, unamplified music 6 nights/week, and he says these speakers sound better than ANYthing he has heard....ever. And thats the point. The Europa's SOUND like MUSIC. Not like a recording of music. Does that make sense? Put on any live recording.......or any recording with a lot going on in it. You'll very quickly hear why these speakers are so highly touted. Imaging is top notch. I find myself listening to(and really enjoying) music that I never thought I would listen to since purchasing these speakers. I just didn't "connect" with the performance. I think thats the time/phase thing in a real world application. The ADS's were no slouch. But the Europa's made them sound boxy, slow, and to a point, unintelligable. I know the designer(Roy Johnson of GMA) well. Worked with him for a couple of years. Thats not why I bought the speakers. I bought them because they were better than anything I heard under $3K. Roy is one of the true good guys in the audio world. He validates that opinion each and everytime we speak on the phone. I'm honered to call him my friend, but make no mistake. I'm not recommending the Europa's based upon friendship with the designer. I'm recommending them based upon sound. Give him a call. Listen to the product. Make up your own mind. Fair enough?