Revel Studio or Revel Salon?

I been looking for a pair of great speaker and I read many great thing on the Studio and Salon. My question is that if the Salon is really that much better to justify the price different. I have also been looking at the Wilson's Watt/Puppies 6 or 7. How do they compare to the Revel.

If it is not a question of money, it's easy. Go with the Salon's. Buy 'em used here for less than $10K.
They are both great speakers. A lot depends on your room size and your system. I started with the Studios and traded up to the Salons. Both speakers are very accurate and like the best in equipment if possible, but you could still easily buy the speakers first and then improve your amps, front end, etc. and here the difference. There are people who are critical of these speakers, but when you get your system dialed in look out. I've never been able to compare the Watt/Puppies to the Revels as there are no dealers here, but from what I've read, the Wilsons might be more exciting out of the box and sound better at most dealers. The Revels (especially the Salons) are fussier in set up but more accurate, (they mirror your source and playback system.)But again, once you provide what they need I think you'll be happy.
If you provide more details about your system I could give you more info.
I heard these speakers one day and wanted to buy them on the spot. Ended up buying the Salons used here in Audiogon for 10K. Best purchase I ever made. This is after a year of owning the speakers.

The speakers need lots of power and quality componenets. I do not have the most expensive gear but there are quite a lot of quality components at moderate prices that can make these speakers shine. I am happy I spent the largest portion of my budget on the Salons.

I love the huge soundstage, incredible detail, and pinpoint imaging it provides. One thing that stands out for me about these speakers is how coherent they sound across the entire frequencey range. The sound produced seems so realistic to these ears. Of note, the amount of detail and clarity you get from the Salons 3 bass drivers is pretty impressive. I listen to stuff like Bob Marley, Led Zeppelin, Smashing Pumpkins, Earth Wind & Fire, etc...

I have heard and Wilson Watt 7 speakers at the San Francisco Home Entertainment show. This system got a lot of rave reviews by the people I spoke with. It was in a large room and was using very high quality components and cabling. Even though I thought they sounded excellent, I didn't have the same emotional connection with these speakers as with the Salons.

For me, the Salons are a long term keeper.
I have listened to the Salons and they have the smoothest, most liquid midrange of any speaker I have ever heard! You could do a lot worse. dats da name a dat tune!
Here is the audio truth regarding the Revels v/s Wilson Watts. Buy the Revel Studios. I'll say it again. Buy the Revel Studios. I have heard Wilson Watts in every generation in which they have been marketed. What are we in now? Number 7? If David Wilson would get it right the first time, he would not be in generation 7. Wilsons are accurate? Maybe, but I think even that statement is very very dependent upon what electronics are driving them. For example, I have heard them teamed with Spectral. I thought they sounded like garbage. I have heard them teamed with Levinson and thought they sounded very good. BUT! Did I ever hear them and say that I thought they are worth $22K? NO! The Revel Studios are the biggest bargain, particularly if you get them at Audiogon for $6K or $7K. They fit into a room easily, are sized so you will not have strange room reflections requiring accoustical room treatments, are highly accurate and at the same time really musical. You won't need another dynamic loudspeaker. I have attended several audio shows, visited many high-end shops, and have owned Revel Studios for 4 years. I can only say that I might trade them in for Martin-Logan Prodigies - if I had sufficient room for them which I do not - or Avalon Eidelons which I cannot afford. Wilsons? They have crippled value in the used market since Wilson keeps trying to get it right with successive generations which you can rest assured will be in your local shop in the near future. I recommend the Studios over the Salons only because I think they are better integrated in the smaller cabinet with fewer drivers and can fit into a room much more easily unless you have a big space. Yes, they do require excellent electronics and speaker cables, but the Wilsons will also.