Sonus Faber Amati Homage versus Vandersteen 5A

Has anyone directed compared these two speakers in the same environment and electronics? How are their respective sonic signatures different. Are they more or less similar to the Wilson WP 7 or Ariel 20T??
Semi, could not say it better myself.

Thiels sound like Nails scratching on a Blackboard.

A few non audiophiles I took to a store to listen to gear said, the Thiels hurt thier ears. Nuff said.
Im not a huge fan of the AMati's sound but the craftsmanship is incredible. I sold 2 pairs of em back in 00'. Both owners love em to this day as much as they did when they first purchased them. Vandy 5a craftsmanship is nowhere near the level of the Sonus speakers but I do prefer their sound.
Stevecham, lots of class .

Semi you hit it on the head, Thiels do not sound like Live Muisc,

Stevecham you remind me of an old saying a wise man taught me.

Never argue with an Idiot all he will do is drag you down to his level and then beat you with experience.

Like I said one mans gold is another mans junk.

No one attacked anyone untill you came out smeared a very Fine speaker. Not the best speaker not the worst but $ for $ a far better buy than a Thiel which Rhymes with Steal.
We should be able to tell Stevecham's taste from his gears - Krell pre + power w/ Thiel. Nothing personal, but something a lot, and I do mean a lot, of audiophiles will stay away from. Ahh, enough said.