Sonus Faber Amati Homage versus Vandersteen 5A

Has anyone directed compared these two speakers in the same environment and electronics? How are their respective sonic signatures different. Are they more or less similar to the Wilson WP 7 or Ariel 20T??
Well done Gentlemen, you have slapded him and he is acting like a true spoiled Brat.

Thank God for people who care about this Hobby and will put
people like Stevecham in thier place.

Hey though give him a break, when you get your brained messed by Thiel and Krell it can make you go insane.
I am an old engineer/audiophile and know analog circuit design well, I have to agree with Semi in that over the past 30 years measurements of anything have consistently evolved and changed. So measurement of "now" doesn't mean absolute truth like what Stevecham claims.

And how Audiogon staff continue to let people like Stevecham post any responses given his aggressive and unprofessional attitude is beyond me, especially when he doesn't have a solid technical background. Stevecham sure sounds like all the names he has been calling others.
Stevecham: Dont be a complete fool(opps, too late I guess....). Were not just talking about "amplifiers" here, were also talking source and preamplification units also.But besides that point. As to why Im using Aragon instead of an "Adcom" product is due to the fact that I needed multiple monoblocks to run my current configuration. Adcom doesnt make a pure monoblock.

As for products doubling down their rated power if you actually knew anything about physics of amplifiers you would know that NO AMPLIFIER can truely double down their power when impedance is cut in half. And every time your impedance drops your THD and TIM goes up. Go back to until you can validate a competant argument seriously.

"if you actually knew anything about physics of amplifiers you would know that NO AMPLIFIER can truely double down their power when impedance is cut in half."

"Go back to until you can validate a competant argument seriously."

The emperor has no clothes.
Just found this by Mgs on another thread:

"For what it's worth, I believe Franco Serblin (sp), the designer of Sonus Faber speakers, uses a pair of Krell monoblocks as part of his test system at the factory."

You guys make me laugh. Thanks for the grins and happy listening to all ;-)