Sonus Faber Amati Homage versus Vandersteen 5A

Has anyone directed compared these two speakers in the same environment and electronics? How are their respective sonic signatures different. Are they more or less similar to the Wilson WP 7 or Ariel 20T??
I agree with Stevecham, the Sonus Faber web site was not a bit useful to me, I can't believe I could not find anything about their products!
Stevecham says he belives that Krell is being used, I belive otherwise. Dont say stuff you cant back up.

With all the Outstanding amps made in Italy in Europe , a Krell is not lickly the voicing source, but thats my take , its just as valid as the speculation the Fool Stevecham made.

Dont make claims you cant back up.
I agree Sonus Faber site can use some improvement. Afterall, they are selling electronics.

But Italian thinks differently, they think of their creations as art and can't be captioned with spec or description. They want people to judge their products based on how they sound, not spec. Maybe they are right, maybe not?

Like Rolls Royce, they don't quote their HP.

Stevecham, guess you are a F1 fan as well :)
I have met and hung out with France Serblin and a few Sonus Faber reps on a few occasions when the Amati's were introduced a few years back. For the record he doesnt use Krell for anything, he uses a pair of home made triode amplifiers he built himself. More bogus info from a jackass..........
Sorry to barge in like this, but Serblin did use a pair of Krell 300CX, or something like this, to introduce its flagship speakers, the Stradivarius...

I use EAII with Bryston power and Krell Showcase, great lively sound... :)