Help with sonos connect

Hearing a good amount jitter coming through sonos connect, which is running though a 1st generation dac-it, by peachtree audio. Visited my local shop today, they stated the new dac-it x would improve sound due to asynchronous chip or set up or modification of sorts?

Curious what other dacs could improve sonos? Does the Wyred4sound mod eliminate the need for an external dac, or does it just clean up the signal that is being sent to dac?

And if there is a better dac out there to receive the clearer signal for sonos listening, I'm all ears.

Don't know a lot about this stuff, but trying to learn. New world for me.
A new DAC is not the way to improve Sonos. A reclocker like the Synchro-Mesh in between the Sonos and the DAC is the ticket:

Customer reviews:

If you add the Dynamo power supply and the BNC-BNC cable, you will have a reference digital source.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Thanks for advice. Is this similar to the sonos mod people reference on the forum? Believe wyred4sound offers a similar reclocking application?

Sorry, not technically savvy. Would appreciate understanding differences.

Now if I added a reclocker and upgraded my DAC, could I tell much of a difference than if I added reclocker and kept existing DAC?

Kernalsanders, I have had a sonos connect for about a year now. I tried a Arcam, Peachtree and Rega Dac and decided on the the Rega. I found it to be the biggest improvement of the three. I started using a Audioquest VSD-1 digital cable, because it was what I had at the time. I never noticed any issues, but as we audio-folk are always wanting to try something new, I recently purchased a Kimber AGDL and feel it has helped reduce some brightness I would experience from time to time. If you will research a thread I started, you will notice one great similarity between your and my responses. My suggestion is try a few different Dacs and also I would check you internet connection. I will point out I have mine on a wired connection not wired. But I have never heard any jitter.
Theo - you have definitely heard jitter. You just don't know what it sounds like until its eliminated. All of the industry experts agree that jitter is the #1 problem with digital.

Trying to fix jitter by changing DACs is like trying to fix a flat tire by moving people to different seats in the car. Its a waste of time and money and will never get you there.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Steve- what is the difference between the Sonos re clock mod and what you are selling?

And I do not understand the reasoning behind the Dac comments. Are you stating DAC's are necessary? Or the quality is irrelevant and any Dac will do after a reclock?

I would like to hear the differences between set ups that are being suggested. Are there any shops in NC or in the South East that have this product?

Appreciate the help.