Headphone Recommendation?

I have Rogue 99 mag pre and would like suggestions on a very very good pair of headphones. Are the wireless as good? Which brings another question-what type of cable? New at this as you all can tell.
Thanks in advance,
Suggestion: go to www.head-fi.org, or www.headwize.com, and peruse their chat forums.

LOTS of great info, but warning: lots of opinions.

A lot of what you might want is based on several questions, including music preference, need or not for TOTAL quiet (IE, can result in closed ear vs. open ear 'phones), personal sound preferences, etc etc.

See what you can find for reviews and comments, and see how they might jibe or not with your musical views and priorities.

Lots of luck ! It's a GREAT trip IMO.

Todd - chams_uk
I'm with Todd. www.head-fi.org is the place to go for this question, not that I would discourage headphone-talk over here. I've kind of gone off the deep ends with the headphone / headphone amp / replacements cables end of this fine hobby, but it has been a great journey.
All of the above is true. To get your feet wet, you probably can't go wrong with either the Senn HD-600s if you like a little more laid back sound, or a high end Grado if you want a more forward sound. Either one will want a good amp like a Maxed out home or Grado. Or maybe Stax Electrostats if you can handle the freight. As Bill said, you can go overboard here as well. Hi, my name is Michael and I am a headphone-oholic!!! Have fun.
I'd avoid wireless headphones. If you do get a nice pair of wired headphones, you may want to consider getting a dedicated headphone amp. I like the Grado RS1s. I had the Sennheiser HD600s and they were too laid back. I also had the Stax Omega II/SR007t combo and that was breathtaking but that combo may cost more than you're looking for. With the Grados I am using an Emmeline XP7 headphone amp.