Anyone: Wilson X1Grand Slamm/ Lamm ML2's

Anyone heard these 2 together? I've seconhand knowledge that it's quite a match but I'd appreciate knowing some details, e.g. if it can play macrodynamics,be delicate and yet still play loud without the amp pooping out.
No way. Two pair of ML2's do not have enough power to properly drive the Slamms.
Hi Jonathan,

Actually you're wrong, you forget that the Slamms are 96db sensitive and a relatively benign load even one pair of ML2s can easily drive the Grand Slamms, with two pairs you have unlimited power. I know this from first hand experience having sold and set up a couple of systems with this combination. ML2 & X1 is a natural pairing, the best amplifier on the market with one of the best speakers ever, you just have to know how to set them up properly and the results are INCREDIBLE!!!!

Don't ,
i would think that a blanket statement here would be a mistake. on this combination, room size and listening tastes would be big varibles in apparent performance.

in a small room with an emphasis on intimate accoustical type music i would think that this combo could be 'incredible' David writes.

in a big space, on 'big music', this combo would be exposed as dynamically limited and lacking the ability to 'energise' the room.

typically X-1's are in fairly large rooms. and in my experience X-1's will improve as they are fed more and more current. so while the 2 pairs of ML2's would be engaging.....the X-1's would be restricted in their ultimate abilities. if a person can financially consider 2 pairs of ML2's, there are other speaker or amp combos that might work better than this particular one for large spaces.