How many amps should I buy for my speakers?

I want to upgrade my receiver to possibly separates or a good HT receiver. My question is what is the amp range I should be looking for? I've got a living room 17x21 with 18' cathedral ceilings.

My main speakers are rated for 150watts (Cerwin-Vega Re-25). My surrounds are 120watts (B&W 805's), and my center is 250watts (B&W HTM1). The mains will most likely be replaced someday when space allows to B&W towers (804 or 803) but I've got no plans for this in the near future.

How much power should I be using for my nearly 100% movie watching?
I liked your explanations. Very well explained.

I read somewhere that you should match your amps to your speaker wattage. So, if I went with 200 wpc, it would be OK with the lower wattage B&W 805 (120w)? I won't have to worry about damaging them when I watch a movie with a great soundtrack?
You are more likely to damage you speakers with less power than more. Clarity is a big issue!
I must agree w Prpixel, having owned various Nautilus speakers. They really open up when you pour on the juice.
Besides the fact, you are more likely to damage your speakers by not having enough power and clipping the amp.

Happy Listening,


I was just kidding, I,ve never known anyone that had Cerwin-Vega's for fronts and stuck B&W 805's in the may be a first!

Your future plan is very solid..I agree with everyone else on the more power is better than less power.

B&W nautilus need power. Lots of it. I am of the opinion that the Nautilus Series have a much better visual presence than audio quality. The smaller B&Ws are fine but it takes real passion to stick with Nautilus. there are alternatives.

Of course, you were asking about an amp........