Does unequal speaker wire length matter?

My amp is not located centrally between my speakers. Due to the layout of my listening area, the amp is about 10 feet from one speaker, and adjacent to the other - and this will not change. I am currently using two 4-meter cables, but one of them need only be about 1 meter. I am looking to upgrade my cables, could I get away with unequal lengths and save a good bit of money?
Please don't try to "get away with it" - as you coined it. Different length might be without consequences in a MidFi system in a bar or so. Maybe you could "equalize" it with some balance settings in your pre, maybe in your case the difference is in such a short range that it might be tolerable, but we are talking high end here, right? And in that field especially the little things MAKE a difference.
Good luck!
Timing will be off resulting in a loss of soundstage and imaging. It will be similar to listening to a system that is wired out of phase. It could be bad enough that you would be better off with a boom box.

Lamp cord would be a better option than two very different lengths of cable.
At that length timing has very little to do with it. However, resistance is different over those lengths, which does matter. Sorry.
I have seen it done with transparent cable with Wilson speakers. There was no change in sound with this particular system.
Apparently upgrading ones cable is very popular these days. I get three or four emails about upgrading mine every day. Heh. I guess word got out.

Seriously, I prefer same length for like speakers. i.e. Front L/R are the same, the surrounds are the same. Currently my center is an oddball . Its length is different from the front L/R but, its a different amp, with different ICs, extra processing, etc. etc. so I really dont worry too much over it.

My opinion is, use the shortest pair you can get away with and deal with the excess on the closer speaker as best you can. Dont coil the excess too tightly.