Avalon, Vandersteen... which to move to?


I am considering a speaker upgrade, and am considering either Vandersteens (2CE w/2Wq sub, or alternately the 3Asig) or Avalon Ascendants... or I could keep my ProAc R2.5s. I won't be able to audition these together for a long time (and auditions at different dealers w/different equipment are hard to compare), so I'd appreciate any comments you may have, particularly:

- Are these Vandersteens competitive sound-wise w/the Avalons?
- Would the 2CEs be enough better than the ProAcs to make the shift worth it?
- 3Asig vs 2CE w/sub?
- Other advice (about these brands)?

Many thanks!

PS: I currently have a Chord DAC64 - Rowland Synergy IIi - Rowland Model 10 - ProAc R2.5, and the speakers would be the final change in the system for years. Listen at moderate/loud-ish levels in rooms of various sizes (move a fair amount) and to Grateful Dead/Bela Fleck type stuff.
This is a tough one because these speakers sound so different from each other, it's like comparing ice cream flavors. Although everyone knows chocolate is obviously better than vanilla.
The Vandys are nice all-round, a bit warm and forgiving of source components; a touch light in terms of detail resolution.
The Avalons are more detailed, more critical of associated gear, and bit more on the lean side in terms of bottom end weight. These are probably a small step up from the 2.5s, with a relatively similar sound vs. the Vandersteen which has a different tonal balance.
It would be tough to recommend you by Vandys without hearing them. The Avalon would be closer to getting "more of what you have", and your other gear certainly seems up to the task. You could try to audition 2CEs, and then roll the dice based on how you like them. Bring your amp w/you when you do it.
Cheers, Spencer
I wouldn't be so quick to generalize on the Avalon sound, the Ascendant has a much fuller and dynamic bottom end than its predecessors (e.g., Eclipse, Arcus). I think it is head and shoulders above the Vandersteen and ProAc, as well it should be (sustantially more money).

Interestingly, I also have R2.5 which after 3 years, I'm considering 'upgrading' . Actually, more like buying a second set,as I luv the R2.5 so much for its soundstage, vocal quality especailly female ones.

I've onsidered Avalon but 1. it's more expensive 2 I also heard it's very picky about placement and probbaly need a much larger room (back and sides especially) then my current corner.