Paradigm Studio 100 speakers and 35 watt tube amp?

I am currently using a Adcom 555 amp and preamp with my Paradigm. Since reading Audiogon I am interested in trying tubes. Would this integrated Cayin TA-30 35 watts a channel be a good match or not. I have been researching this and have gotten different opinions. I have heard that the Paradigm need high current so a 35 watt tube amp would be a very poor choice and that I should stick with solid state. Someone else suggested biamping the Paradigm with my 200 watt Adcom for the bass. Is this a good idea.
thanks for any help.
HI Bob.
I own none of the equipment you mentioned,but I am into tubes also.I just bought the AERIAL 10T that according to a lot of A'goners is a very power hungry speaker.Guess what for my first listening session(I was pressed for time as I was just checking for product integrity )when I brough them home I used my CONRAD JOHNSON MV55(45W per channel)
They sounded fine .Very satisfactory sound indeed.
I will be using them in the future with my ROGUE M150 mono's
(150 glorious watts per side).My point is that less doesn't necessarily mean BAD.Bi-amping is a fine idea too,I 'll do the same also using my Mark Levinson 27,5 power amp.
Hope that helps you a little.
Bob, I ran a pair of Studio 100's v3 with Cary SLI 80 integrated tube amp with no problems, never did I have an issue with not enough power. I up graded recently to mono tube amps. Tube amps are the real deal, I learned this a long time ago with my guitar amps.
Couple of years back I used to drive Paradigm ref 100 V2 with 30 watts Jolida JD 1301 hybrid int amp with great results ...

Hope this helps !

