klipsch horns

I have a pair of klipsch corner horns and heard they sound best with tube amps, I was wondering what amp sounded best and is reasonably priced?
A friend has a pair powered by 2A3 SET amps built by John Wiesner, who partnered with Arthur Loesch in the post. Amazing amp designs and incredible craftsmanship. They put out 1.5 watts, I believe, which is definitely enough for these K-horns in his room (set up properly). Heard 8 watt push pulls and they didn't have the magic, and the volume control never got above 9:00 - not enough play for me because they got too loud too quick. 845 and KT88's & 300B's all had their merits but the 2A3's have a special magic.

I have had Khorns for the past ten years, VTL works wonders with them,both the integrated amp and their seperates, right now I use the 2.5 with the st 85 it simply kills.
I would suggest looking at Sunfire amps. I'm powering my Klipsch KLF-20's with a Sunfire amp (225watts) and they absolutely sing. I was using an Adcom amp prior to that and it just didn't provide the dynamics that these speakers are capable of. I also switched out my Monster IC's and speaker cable for some RSA Poeima IC's and VooDoo Reference Bi-Wire speaker cable.

Vman, Adcom is the absolute worst amp choice for Klipsch, Sunfire is much better, tube is what he needs, the 2a3 or 300b,or 45, any experienced Klipsch owner will usually end up with one of these [flea] set amps, try one, youll see.

Thanks for the info. I will eventually goto a tube amp but for right now, the Sunfire amp is going to have to do the job. The Sunfire amp does have hook-ups for "voltage source" and "current source". According to the Sunfire manual, you want to use "current source" because it's closer to a tube amp sound. I've tried both "voltage" and "current" and can't really tell to much of a difference.
