klipsch horns

I have a pair of klipsch corner horns and heard they sound best with tube amps, I was wondering what amp sounded best and is reasonably priced?
momofdom2,i just bought a mcintosh mc2102 tube amp & tried it on the k-horns, at lower volume levels it out performs all my solid state amps but when driven it falls off.

the best i have found at this point is to biamp them.

solid state on bottom & tubes on top,this is what im doing at the present & the k-horns are a much more dynamic speaker beacuse of it.

The Rotel RB-1090 goes wonderful with the Klipschorn as well. Very tube like warmth.
A low powered push/pull tube amplifier; something like a 2a3 or 300b or 45 based amp making between 4 and 20 watts. SET amps can make a bit of noise that highly sensitive speakers such as Klipsch can amplify easily. Push/pull amps, correctly implemented, do not have nearly the noise issues of SET amps.

I think I read somewhere that a little 5 watt push/pull amp is what Paul Klipsch designed the horns to work with but I would not put that in the bank. This is where a very high quality low powered amp (think Wavelength...) comes into play. More than 10 or 20 watts is simply overkill.
Have you tried or heard of the www.nosvalves.com 60W VRD tube monos? They seem to be all the rave over at the Klipsch Forum. I am very interested in them myself. I am planning to buy a pair.