REL or Veloydne Subwoofer

I looking for SW to use with my Home Theater System , I have Dynaudio 3.4 with Dynaudio Conture Center Channel. Looking to upgrade my rear channels with the Conture surrounds. I curruntly using Veloydne ULD-12 for sub but
seems Hard to tweek in. I useing a Pioneer Elite Receiver and Rotel 1075 amp but thinking of up grading with a better Processer one of the Newer Rotels.If you have any comments please let me know.
I went through a long subwoofer search, and strongly considered subs from REL, Vandersteen, Martin Logan, and Thiel, but ultimately ended up ordering a Velodyne DD-12. I most definitely have a problemmatic room, and the DD-12's diagnostic and EQ abilities seem well matched to my needs. Not to mention the fact that it is a very good performing sub.

I suggested the REL because of the ablility to blend with other speakers, as Charles mentioned a problem tweeking the sub w/the Dynaudios. Sub EQ is great for room probs but doesn't assure any better blending. REL connection options provide for a seamless given that there aren't any extra room problems. This not to say that the new Velo won't work.
Gotcha. I do like the way that the REL's hook up. However, my personal room is just too much of a factor, and I need the extra control. Although, truth be told, if my room wasn't so unusual, I would have gone with the Thiel SW1 to match my CS3.6's.

REL is certainly a good option, and if you are thinking of Velodyne, it is my understanding that the Digital Drive subs are very much a notch above all the rest of their products.

Check out Art of Sound also. They are in the same league as Rel. They also hook up the same as a Rel.
Try a REL. Find a dealer who will let you take one home for a weekend. It will take a few days to dial it in.