LS3/5A & Pass Labs

I am looking for new speakers to go with my Pass Aleph 3, Aleph P, and 9X16X8'celing room...concrete walls. I found a used shop that sells used Spendor LS3/5A speakers $550-$650. I wonder what you all think of this combo in terms of musicality, sound volume, sound staging, speaker placement etc...

I had the opportunity to borrow an Aleph 3 for over a month and thought it sounded fantastic. I experienced some impedance mismatching with my tube preamp, but the Aleph P should be a perfect mate. The speakers I used were ProAc Response 1SCs. I think the Spendors would be a great match as well.
I have the same Aleph pair and use the Silverline Sonatinas, original, Avalon Style. Great combo.