Snell E/III vs. Snell Type D loudspeakers

Did anybody compare the Snells E/III speakers with Snell Type D loudspeakers? If so, did you find any advantages in the latter model? What amplifiers did you use - solid state or vacuum tube?

Best regards,
I have owned the E IV and the D. The D has a fuller more dynamic sound, more like the C V. I can not speak about the E III since I have not heard them, but can also say I have not heard a Snell speaker that did not sound good. Just some sound much better than others.

Although I've not owned any Snells, I've got to agree with John--I've never heard a Snell (pre-Boston Acoustics) that didn't sound great.

I have heard, and really liked, the E/III but not in comparison with the D. The E was very well made, very coherent, and fun to listen to. My suspicion is that they tend to work better with good solid state--that is when I've heard them sound their best.

So I'd say you're unlikely to go wrong with either one.


I really appeciate your comment!

Actually, I own the E/III for 12 years. Several times I tried to replace them for new speakers, taking home various speakers from a hi-end dealer, but after a month's euphoria I came back to Snells. I decided to keep them for a while as my second pair of loudspeakers. It is true that they sound better with more powerful solid-state amps, though they sounded great with Audio Innovations and Audio Note amps as well.
Best regards,
Hi, I have snell KIIv, EIII & D.
KIIv are very good speakers but with some limits...
Type EIII are incredible know. very special sound....tubes or not. A very dinamic sound specially in the mid-high frequencies...
Bass frequencies are very good only a little long but very powerful.
Type D are very neutral in all frequencies. Much more dinamic & control, much more coherents. Mid, much more clean & precise. More definition but not more fatique.
Anyway Type EIII are great speakers with a sound that have presence and a lot of air.