Snell E/III vs. Snell Type D loudspeakers

Did anybody compare the Snells E/III speakers with Snell Type D loudspeakers? If so, did you find any advantages in the latter model? What amplifiers did you use - solid state or vacuum tube?

Best regards,
I really appeciate your comment!

Actually, I own the E/III for 12 years. Several times I tried to replace them for new speakers, taking home various speakers from a hi-end dealer, but after a month's euphoria I came back to Snells. I decided to keep them for a while as my second pair of loudspeakers. It is true that they sound better with more powerful solid-state amps, though they sounded great with Audio Innovations and Audio Note amps as well.
Best regards,
Hi, I have snell KIIv, EIII & D.
KIIv are very good speakers but with some limits...
Type EIII are incredible know. very special sound....tubes or not. A very dinamic sound specially in the mid-high frequencies...
Bass frequencies are very good only a little long but very powerful.
Type D are very neutral in all frequencies. Much more dinamic & control, much more coherents. Mid, much more clean & precise. More definition but not more fatique.
Anyway Type EIII are great speakers with a sound that have presence and a lot of air.
I owner a pair of E's III for sometime 10 or so years ago, sold them due to the hype of another "flavor of the month club" speaker..big mistake. To this day, I miss them.
I own EIII & CV Snells, M's and cc1 center. I did own the type D before I traded them for the CV. The EIII I think are an outstanding value. I originally traded my EIII for the D's and found myself wishing I had my E's back. The D's have a fuller midrange and go deeper, but the EIII is more musical to my ears. So I bought a used pair, made new cabs and modded the xo. I have replaced the caps in the tweeter circuit w/Theta caps(big improvement). Also replaced the sandcast resistors with mills, upgraded a few caps in the woofer circuit. Don't change the inductors. Internal wiring for tweet as well upgraded. The EIII match well with tubes, they really come to life with my diyhi Ella tube amp. The CV just plain rock. Mark
What about the B minors? How do they compare to the other models of this era?