REL Stadium and Rowland 201's setup -HELP

I've owned a REL Stadium III that I've had for a couple of years. After intially setup, the sub has performed flawlessly. I'm thinking of upgrading to a pair of Jeff Rowland 201's that I have on home demo and I'm having difficultly integrating them with the REL. None of Sumiko's fixes have worked up to this point. I can't get any sound to come from the REL. I believe that I'm getting ground from my HT processor that is connected via RCA. I'd like to run the Rowlands via high pass through the speakers output. Anyone out there using 201's with a REL sub?
I'm using a REL sub with Bryston monoblocks.

I have the main speakers connected via spades to the amps, and the sub is connected to the same terminals via bananas -- running through the high pass on the sub. The sub's ground was connected to the chassis of one of the amps, then (on advice from one who knows) I connected the ground to an unused speaker connecter on one of the amps.

I don't know what the Rowland has for speaker terminals, but if it has typical 5-ways, you may try my setup.

Good luck,

You might want to call Rich Maez at Rowland, see what he says.

The 201s use those newish Cardas binding posts that tighten down simultaneously on both + and - spade connections. Bananas aren't accomodated.
My problem is not with the connection but getting the sub to turn on. I've got the yellow wire from the REL going to the LT+, red going to RT+ and black grounded to the amp chassis. Sumiko states that this should do the trick but it does not work. The REL is seeing ground from the chassis ground. If the black wire is removed from the chassis, humming from the REL occurs. I've done some research on AA and it appears that the PS Audio HC2 which is also a digial switching amp has a similar problem. I've seem many similar threads on dual mono blocks and digital amps with similar set up problems. If anyone out there has remedied this situation, your feedback would be greatly appreciated.