Magnepan 2.7QR vs 1.6?

I was considering buying new 1.6s until I had a chance to compare them side by side to a used pair of 2.7QRs at my house. For the test I used an Aragon 4004MKII amp, Adcom GFP565 preamp and a Sony DVP-S7700 CD. They both sounded very similar in the midrange on up but the 2.7s had more bass to my ears and it sounded more accurate. This makes sense since the 2.7s woofer section is about 40% larger than the 1.6s (620sqin vs 442sqin). The 1.6s may have an edge in dynamics but it was subtle.
So I went with the 2.7s for $1,000. Are my ears wacked or do other Audiogon readers have the same opinion? I've read other reviews here stating the 1.6s are a step up from the 2.7s but I had to go with my ears. Also, the 2.7s were $2,000-$2,200 new in 1994 and the 1.6s are about $1,600-$1,700 now. So the 2.7s would probably go for $2,500+ if they were retailed today new.
I agree. The 2.7's sound much better to my ears. I heard them side by side in a demo at an audio dealer when the 2.7's were being closed out. The biggest difference to me was in the highs. The ribbon tweeter of the 2.7's outperformed the Quasi-ribbon of the 1.6's by a huge margin. No, your ears are not whacked. If, i could find a mint pair for what you paid for them, i'd buy them.
The 2.7 is qr it is not a ribbon. The 2.6 is a ribbon. I have a pair of the the 2.7qr. The 1.6qr is still a large step down. I am looking to sell my 2.7qr's for $850.00 if anyone is interested.

Yes, the 2.5Rs (1987) and 2.6Rs (1990) both used a true ribbon tweeter. Both were 2-ways. Then the 2.7 (1994) was a 3-way and used the quasi-ribbon.
Reb1208, do you use a subwoofer with your 2.7s? I'm using a Paradigm X-30 Bass Controller with a sub that's separately amplified. The Paradigm has a control for the crossover frequency and it usually sounds best crossed over at about 60HZ. Any higher and the bass is too boomy.
Thanks for both of your guys' responses.