Tannoy Turnberry vs Revel Studio vs SF Cremona

In terms of getting the most anolog sound which I should choose

Tannoy Turnberry or
SF Cremona or
Revel Studio

Thanks for sharing.

Michel UK
I own the studios. They are extremely NEUTRAL and true to the component chain preceding them. If you have an analog front end, you'll have an analog sound. If you have a digital front end, you'll have a digital sound. No one will consider these to be warm sounding.

I considered and listened to the Cremonas before buying the Studios. Cremonas are definitely warmer. if you like that coloration, then the cremonas are a good choice. One other caveat - the cremonas are much smaller than the studios. They might be easier to live with.

I have never heard the Turnberrys.
If you can, hear the Tannoys. But it depends on your taste in music. they are awesome for classical, jazz, voice and other acoustic music. Not so great for hard-driving rock.