Eggleston Works Andra II versus B&W 800

Need some guidance. Have an opportunity to purchase either pair new at attractive price. Will be used in dedicated audio listening (not part of HT) using Krell FBR amplification, CJ front end. Very large room - 30'x 15' with one long wall mostly glass. Need to place speakers on short wall due to WAF issues. In area where I can't audition either, no local dealers.

Thanks for any input.
Don't know the B&W 800 although I know other B&Ws. Heard the Andra II at the Montreal show and liked it a lot. Very subtle, musical speaker but lots of oomph available. Didn't want to leave that room. IMHO it put all the B&Ws I had heard to shame. Would be great in a large room. In other words, nothing to contradict Jacytoy. Although your wife might not like the way the Andra looks... Hope this helps !
Tobias my wife like the looks of my Andra original,
they are piece of art, and well built.Honestly
I like the looks of the original,they are perfect
where they are.
Would anyone have the web address to the Andra site, I'm curious to find out more about them and see what they look like. Thanks
I have auditioned both speakers and, for once, have to agree with Jayctoy. The Andra is a much better, thoroughly enjoyable loudspeaker. Tobias suggests that "your wife might not like the way the Andra looks." Considering that the speaker has more than a passing resemblance to the male organ, I feel sorry for that particular husband.


Holton Corsey