Eggleston Works Andra II versus B&W 800

Need some guidance. Have an opportunity to purchase either pair new at attractive price. Will be used in dedicated audio listening (not part of HT) using Krell FBR amplification, CJ front end. Very large room - 30'x 15' with one long wall mostly glass. Need to place speakers on short wall due to WAF issues. In area where I can't audition either, no local dealers.

Thanks for any input.
I've lived with the Andra II's for about a year (converted foom Andra I's), and am very familiar with the B & W 800's, both at dealers and one of my friends' houses. I very much prefer the A II's, and find something a bit (comparatively hard) and bright about the 800's with most solid state amps (exception might be the big Lamm hybrids, which are very good at putting a bit of space around big speakers, or the new Rowlands. You use Krells, and I wouldn't think that was a particularly good combination with the 800's, but I've never heard them together). One factor you might consider is that the A II's, like the originals, are designed to go pretty close to a back wall, while the 800's, like most speakers their size (e.g Eidolons, Revel Salons, Kharmas), are not. To use my previous B & W's in my (22 X 13.5 X 9') living room, I had to put tube traps behind and to the side of the speakers, while the A II's sound better without them.
Mgottlieb, may I ask how you positioned your Andra IIs in your living room--short wall, long wall, across a corner or... ?
Mgottleib; Have you any experience with comparing the AIIs and the AII's conversion? If they are very close in performance, it seems like to me that buying a used pair and having it converted would be a good deal. I think this could be done for less than $10,000.
Lokie it can be done for less than 10k.If uou
can find used below 7k.I have not seen one.
Hi. My Andra II's are positioned along the long wall, slightly toed in. I haven't compared the AII's as rebuilt to new ones. My understanding is they are exactly the same--same drivers, same enclosure, but with the old bass cabinet modified to the new specs. For the complete answer to that, you'll have to ask Eggleston.