Aerial 7B vs. Thiel 2.4

I am building a HT system and am wondering what other Audiogoner's think about building a HT system around the Aerial products (7b. CC3b and LR3's) or a Thiel system (2.4 as mains, MCS, and 1.6s). I think the Thiels are extremely revealing whereas the Aerials tend to be a bit more mellow. I will most likely be using Krell Showcase as the pre/power combination. Thanks.
Yeah I like a lot of the coments here. I just goes to show that you need to listen/TRY for yourself! To each his own.
I could easily see one persons taste/experience/preference in one dirrectio or the other.
I guess in the back of my mind, I have experiences with certain equipment/combo's, and setup's....and just take mental notes as I go along.
Either way, I agree with Tom Munro's comment about crossing these speakers over at 80hz to a powered sub for HT, yes!
Still, as certain as the tonality of the Thiels needs to be adressed, as well as the 1st order crossover situation/powerhandling/distance requirements/associated, for best sound/setup, I tend to shy away from audiophile speakers that are intentionally laid back sounding for HT dubties! This is the antithesis of what a good cinema (even THX) speakers is designed to do! I've heard simply too many speakers like this over the years that just didn't work well for EXCITING home theater pressentation. But, that's me.
I just liked the Thiels here, because I know what they can do for HT. But, some, like with the Vandersteen's popularity, like the more approachable sound.
Still, as for the comment from Sbank regarding "bright soundracks", you will find that a bright soundtrack will not be dulled by any means by a slightly more mellow sounding speaker! The things will still sound bright!
You can't tell me that the Aerials are dull enough on top that bright material will come across more smooth! These speakers are fairly accurate enough sounding transducers that they will let that "brightness" play right through as well as the Theils!
My solution to that is either "Re-EQ circuit" on the Pre/pro, or making sure you use forgiving amps and/or interconnects and such for your home theater needs mostly.
That way, when I 'm listening to music, I don't bother. But movies are all over the place sometimes...although not to he degree I think is being infered above. Most movie mixes are much more managable when transfered now. I can't remembe the last DVD I heard that was "overly bright/mixed". I think most that are comming out now are done well for remastering.
Still, when it comes right down to it, I choose neither of these speaker options for HT speakers. I go other routs myself. But if you favor music, then I understand the choices.
Back to the original point though, I can easily see where the Theils wouldn't be someeone's cup of tea, in fav of a speaker like the Aerials, or more approachable sound. You do need to take care with a speaker like the Thiels to balance the sound with the gear.
BTW, as "Sbank" commented..."DVD's are mixed bright to creat EXCITEMENT" is incorrect. If anthing, a DVD would be bright if it wasn't re-mixed well. A movie is mixed to be bright only for the purposes(when applicable) of playing through the perforated screen at the movie theater, for tonal correction!!!...not to create excitement or whatever!
Movies have been traditionally mixed this way for just that reason, and that's to commpensate for the fact that the speakers are hidden behind the screen.
Yeah, I guess we are in "violent agreement" here, furthering your point that Robk really should try to hear these before deciding.
As to the DVD mix sub-topic, you raise an interesting fact about perferated screens w/speakers behind them driving how they mix the top end of films a tad to the hot side. Makes sense. Regardless of the motive of those mixing the films, I still prefer the Aerial sound partially because it does present the sonics of bright material in a fashion that's somewhat less bright(maybe not smooth -- but with less emphasis on that area of the sound. Alternatively, I could see how others prefer the Thiel sound.
Robk, get away from the computer and go listening! Cheers,
Theta Amps pair well with just about any good high end speaker! (And they should since they go to great lengths to avoid colorations and global feedback).

But to put my 2 cents in - if you are willing to "feed" them - the Thiels will reward you many times over - they remind me of Maggies in that respect. If they aren't paired with good equipment, they won't be as good as they could be.

If you are using good amplification (Krell ought to qualify - thought you said that you were using them) then the Theils ought to sound fine. Thiels tend to like good cables too, and their time coherence might disallow something like the 10ga. Romex - though a multistraded speaker cable ought to do well - you will find the Thiels repsond in the bass mostly with the various cables - so pick the most neutral/natural you can find!

Aerial makes a good speaker - so if you like them, then great. I would hesitate to buy an expensive speaker to equalize bright DVD recording - it would be like buying a high end turntable with a particular cartige to make the Dynaflex records sound better! That kind of thing is what Receiver/Preamp Tone controls are made for.

I audition speakers with music with good dynamic range a good silences in parts - I do find that DVD-V sound to be too spotty for me.