Merlin Room at 2004 HE Show in NY

If anyone is going to the 2004 Home Entertainement Expo in NY this weekend (5/21~23), could you please report on how the Merlin room sounds with its new VSM-MX speakers? I understand they will be showing with Joule-Electra and JPS Labs cables.

I have the MXs on order and want to get some comparative feedback from the show goers since I can't attend. Comparisons with VSM-Ms, Kharmas, or any other top-class speakers (or room comparisons) would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Merlin's always seem to sound good at these shows. Not necessarily the best, but consistently good. That's your first indication that they will probably sound great in a home environment.

It was a good room, but it's not surprising because he knows what he is doing. Besides putting together an excellent speaker, he does a few other smart things:

1. The speakers are mated with electronics known to have ideal synergy. You'd be surprised how many rooms mate their components at the last minute without much prior experience.

2. The room size is more appropriate for the Merlin's versus other speakers. Two years ago, Callix squeezed their humongous $60M speaker (and the equally obtrusive Vyger turntable) in virtually the same room and it was disastrous, IMO.

3. Merlin setup only one line of listening chairs that were an appropriate distance away. Where you are sitting means alot. By eliminating second or even third row listeners, he avoids many people listening at an improper distance and the various issues of listening through other bodies and chairs.

4. They use room treatments effectively.

5. They had a corner room, which is notably more quiet and advantageous is almost every regard.

As a veteran on many shows, Merlin is almost always in my top 10. This show was no exception.
Excellent observations.
High aspirations, pragmatism, plenty of smarts, dedication, & what-the-heck: common sense. Not a bad recipe for long term success!
Cheers, Spencer
I would like to thank you all for your comments and for the support.
Rich and I had a great time talking to people and playing all kinds of music. More so than at any other show we were able to play anything that was thrown at the speakers with a relaxed and believable presentation. Dynamics were on the goofy side especially when a fellow asked to hear the soundtrack from Gladiator. Even I was blown away with the experience. After the initial breakin of Joe's new speaker cables the sound was as liquid as could be. He has quite a product there!! And the Joule products and the Capitole II performed with consistant honesty and grace. That's why they are in the room to begin with.
Talking to the showgoers was a real pleasure, I just hope they weren't too upset with the garbage in the halls the last day of the show. I was quite upset about this so this really needs to be dealt with next year.
Good to see you all and thanks again.
I apologize for not keeping an eye on this thread...

Spencer, hopefully you join us next year. I didn't get much insight on Lloyd's plan for a lower cost TT, but he let me know as I was leaving last month's "unofficial" meeting. As he is intending on attending as many of our functions as he is able, I am sure you will run into him sooner or later. Otherwise, why not shoot him an e - mail or phone call?

Henry_la, the system in which the Merlin sounded so good to me is owned by a gentleman named Mark, and I believe he lurks these parts. It is basically the same system Spencer has - Merlin speakers, Berning ZOTL power amplifier, Joule Electra preamp, with a Cary CD player(Spencer may have a different front end). The sound was more lifelike than I think I have ever been around, and more than I had come to believe possible in a hifi system. There was no hint of bloat or fatness, as I noticed in the Merlin room. The Merlin room was the same dimensions as most on the 6th floor it was on. I am guessing now, but I would say maybe 10' X 15'? Perhaps, someone can give a better estimate...