Help Me Interim Speakers Suggestions?

Health & location problems are forcing me to move from my big house with my 24' x 22' listening room to a much smaller house or condo. This will require me to part with my beloved B&W 802 with accompanying large outboard Northcreek crossovers, as the combo will take up too much space in a smaller room. Plus, I need to simplify & downsize my complex system. Most likely my new place will end up having a 16 x 14 room, or smaller, and will be either a living room or a bedroom.

I find speakers to be one of the hardest things to choose, and expect it will be some time until I find something full range yet not overly large that I will be happy with. So, I'm looking to pick up some bookshelf or floor standing speakers on Audiogon that will sound good and be easy to resell a little later.

Any suggestions? Thoughts of mine were PSB Stratus Gold Mini, Vandersteen 1C, Thiels. I like accuracy and clarity, but not coldness. I don't find my 802's cold, just accurate, and since I use tubes, I have an accurate, but slightly warm overall result. Appreciate your suggestions.
I recommend Von Schweikert VR1, 2, 3 series, and Silverline SR17, Panatella, Sonatina series - even used ones. These monitor/towers are perfect for average to small rooms. High quality components and easy to drive. Good resale value. Overall well designed speakers.
If you have the power (What amp do you have?) then you've GOT to check out Dynaudio. $3500 for the Special 25s is a STEAL, and low $2000s is a very good price for the S1.4s. Either of those would IMPROVE on some aspects of the B&W N802s

I suggest you look the Revel M22 loudspeaker. The Revel M22 is compact and a bookshelf-sized speaker. Revel is a high-end loudspeaker company owned by Harman International. This speaker targets audio enthusiasts who are looking for excellent sound and build quality at more reasonable prices than their high-end ines. The M22s cost $2,000+ per pair, plus optional stands and grilles. The M22s are rear-ported, two-way loudspeakers, featuring a six-and-a-half-inch inverted magnesium-alloy woofer, with a low-frequency extension to 44 Hz at -3 dB and a one-inch custom aluminum-alloy dome tweeter. hope this helps. cheers.
Totem Mani-2's: small stand mounted, but you will get great bass, and a very musical speaker - - especially if paired with high powered tubes. Got to have at least 100 watts with an amp noted for good bass control.
Klipsch Reference series RB-5 two way tractix horn with 96db, 8 ohms, 48 > 20khz. Can be ordered new from at least three places with warranty for less than 600 online.

Very good speakers; great construction.