Opinions regarding JMlab Alto Be?

OK, it's decision time soon ... narrowed down speaker list to: JMlab Alto Be, Dynaudio Confidence C2, Wilson Audio Sophia (also considering Focus Audio FS-888, Living Voice Avatar OBX or regular Avatar, Dali Euphonia MS4). I listen to primarily alternative rock/indie rock e.g. Radiohead, MUSE, REM, Beck, PJ Harvey, Wilco, Ryan Adams, Strokes, White Stripes, U2, Lucinda Williams, Interpol, Modest Mouse, Shins etc etc

The electronics (not purchased yet) will likely include Simaudio P-5/W-5 preamp/amp and Simaudio Nova CD player, but I am also considering new Hovland HP200 preamp instead.

I have listened to the JMlab Alto Be repeatedly and to my untrained ears I have been impressed with it's overall musicality, imaging, transparency, driver integration, and reasonably good bass. However, the price is troubling ! Yet, many people feel that Focal speakers are continually troubled by poor bracing/damping and resultant cabinent resonance. Yet, I question whether this is still as much a problem with the new Be series.

Because of its price I was hoping I could happily live with one of the cheaper speakers on my short list.

As I wrestle with my final decision, I would greatly appreciate anyones subjective opinion of the JMlab Alto Be (trying to disregard price in your assessment).
I have heard the three major contendors listed and would put the JM Labs at the top of the list though the Wilsons and the Dynaudios are also very good. If you are looking at this price point then the speakers you have listed are good options. To the extent you have ambivalence, the JM labs and the Wilsons will probably command the best resale value should you decide to change later on.

The Revels are worth listening to as well, Whenever I hear the Revels I really enjoy them but for whatever reason they have never moved me enough to buy them. Just my opinion.

I doubt very much that any speaker will "cream" any of the ones you have listed, though perhaps some might be more magical in the right setup. Some other speakers to consider at this price point or below: (1) Genesis 501 - this is a fabulous speaker and in the class of the ones you have listed at only $10,500; and (2)Meadowlark BH II - also a very good contendor.

At this level of speaker much of one's success and enjoyment will be attributable to system matching and the nature of your room. I have found the JM Labs speakers I have heard quite dependent on the right amplifier matching. With the wrong amp the bass can be muddy and the high end etched.

If you are willing to spend a little more for that extra magic then I would listen to the Aerial 20Ts (which I own) and which IMO is more capable of magic than any of the speakers you have listed though also more expensive.

The Kharmas 3.2s are also worth listening to and are fabulous though for me during the limited times I have heard them left me cold. Most opeople seem to have a different reaction than me, however, and love them.

Similarly, many would suggest the Vandersteen 5As, also a great speaker but to my ears also left me cold. Most people again, would probably disagree.

If I were you, I'd identify a few remaining contenders. take a listen and then decide. I too like the JM labs and if our ears are similar would recommend, given your choices, going for them, but taking a quick listen to the Genesis 501s for a reality check.

Good luck!
I also think you can do better than JMlab. My person preference is the high end Coincidents - specifically the Total Victory, which for my tastes knocked a pair of JMlab Diva Be completely out of the ring recently.

My complaint is that I don't hear enough presence and life (microdynamics?) from JMlab speakers overall. They just sound too polite to me, and the bass isn't what it should be for the money. The Coincidents don't suffer from these faults at all. They sound very alive, with great dynamics and very deep bass. They are an extremely engaging speaker, a true "statement" product at a lower cost than most of the ones under discussion.

Quick comment in agreement with JWaugh above- for the price range you're considering, listen to some more speakers, if you can.

I'd recommend looking into-

The new Linn models (Akurate 242s are the floor-standers, I believe)

Whatever Avalon product fits the price range

Wilson-Benesch ACT

Merlin VSM (the favorite of a lot of folks around here)

Good Luck!