What speakers to replace Paradigm 100.2? Help

Hello all

I have decided that I want to replace my beloved 100.2 next. I currently have a McIntosh MC7200 and C712 pre with a C333ES player and all MIT cables. I like the big sound a lot - which is why I still have these speakers. Most others I audition don't seem to pull that off. However my new room is small (14x14x8) and the Paradigms, although look ok, are a little too big. I want somewhat smaller speakers that won't leave me feeling like the bass is all gone. I would like better transparency and articulation as well. I would also like better efficiency so that I could have a tube setup in addition to SS down the road.

My current (very) short list:
Coincident Partial Eclipse II
JM Lab Electra 926

I open to most ideas. I want to stay in the $2500 used range. I live in the sticks and don't travel as much as I used to so I have to go on recommendations at this point. I heard the 926 and really liked them but wondered if they would be a little too laid back. Anyway, any ideas? Thank you!

I just replaced my 100 v2's with some ACI Jaguar / LFM's. They are very musical and give nothing up to the paradigms in bass. They are not fully broken in yet. But I like what I hear so far
I have been listening to quite a few different speakers to replace my current speakers in the $2000 to $3000 range. I do like the studio 100 v3 an excellent value. But as you said they are to big for your room. I really like the b&w 703 a lot. They list for $800 more. And are more detailed and have a better midrange then the 100s v3. The bass is not quite up to 100v3 but is very good. In fact they sound better then the older b&w 804. The Totems Forest need more room, other wise they have little sound stage. not impressed with the totems. The monitor audio gold 20 are also very good neutral clean sound with tight bass.

I am in the same boat, a month back sold ref 100 v2s, since then tried Odyssey Lorelei .. listened to Gallo ref III, Theil 2.4(?) and Monitor audio gold ref 60's with MF gears.. Lorelei was the best of the bunch .. then Monitor audio gold ref 60's then Gallo's and in the last Theils .. still looking, may go back to lorelei's !


You can consider the Sonus Faber Grand Piano's. The most Neutral in the lower priced bunch from Sonus.
I bought JM Lab 926s. They are already broken-in and sound simply sublime. Smoothness and refinement make vocals easier to understand than before and the soundstage is more in focus with greater depth. Very nice speakers - I am impressed! The improvement over the 100.2s is not huge but is present in every aspect. I have to say that the Paradigms are excellent for the money. However, I like the JMs much better. My McIntosh amp says they use 1/3 of the power of the 100.2s which will allow me to play with tubes more comfortably now. I am very happy with my purchase. Thank you to all who left advice. Good luck!