Proac 2.5 vs Vandersteen 2Ce

Which is warmer, smoother, and generally more musical?
Funny what this post asks. The Vandys are designed to be warm and forgiving and at their price point, intended to be used with relatively inexpensive gear. The ProAcs (which I also own and have for 6 years) are one of the most "musical" speakers around. They have that rare and beautiful way of sounding musical and accurate at the same time. They show me differences btw cables, DACs, transports, etc with ease and yet always sound good. It's difficult to push them over the edge. They are a music lover's speaker as opposed to a gearhead or reviewer's speaker. They put musicians right in my room and that's with a 10wt SET (small room however).

The Vandys are excellent for the money but are ultimately a bit vague and diffuse with a soft high end and slightly soft bass. But then they cost 1/3 of the 2.5s. You'd be better off comparing Vandy's more upscale speakers.
althought i hands down prefer the vandies over the proac's, You should really look into Living Voice. I think that they really are the last word in musicality. Check it out.
I would heed Tomryan's suggestion that you listen to a more upscale Vandy. The 3A Signature would be a better chocie for comparison even at less than 2/3rds the price of the ProAcs. Better yet add two Vanderteen Susbwoofers, which would brin the price just above the 2.5s and you will much better bass, dynamics, and transparency then avaaible from the ProAcs. Ultimatley a matter of taste, I have owned both and preferred the Vandersteens. However, both are excellent, so....
Because Richard Vandersteen makes running changes in his speakers you'll find that his current speakers are improved signifiantly over those of only a year ago. Make sure you audition current speakers if possible.
Warmer and smoother - my vote is for Vandersteen for sure.

Generally more musical - well, that is more dependent on upstream components and synergy, but I'll vote for the Vandys again.