Rock albums that sound good on your system?

Often, you put in a rock album into your S$10,000 system and the music, though enjoyable, just sounds harsh, grating, boomy and forward. Aside from several of my Pink Floyd albums, the rest of my rock CDs just sound bad. Are there any good rock recordings out there?
Most major label rock stuff sounds like poop (no matter how much it gets polished) when it gets put next to:
Can-Ege Bamyasi
Guru Guru-s/t, or Kanguru
Harriet Tubman-Prototype
Kollektiv- s/t
Massacre-Funny Valentine, or Meltdown
Screaming Headless Torsos-Amandala
Ui-Two Sided Sharpie
There are lots of other specimens of incredible mind altering riffage out there. After a few of the above have printed in yer' brain you'll need more.
I lean towards things that are bluesy, try:
Melvin Taylor and the Slack Band - Dirty Pool Evidence
ECD 26088-2
Melvin will put most guitar slingers to shame and this one is very nicely recorded