Looking for a speaker under $1000. used.

Hi Audiogoners, I'm looking for a musical, dynamic, involving speaker that images and soundstages like crazy, is easy to drive with a 40 watt int. tube amp. Room is 18' X 22 with a high ceiling. Listen to mainly male and female vocals, singer/songwriter pop rock at lower volumes. I've had monitors in the past,looking for floorstanders now. I'm in a remote area that has no hi-end dealers to compare. Any ideas?
Thanks, Jerry
Soliloquy 5.3
You can find them used for around $800. An absolute bargain. They fit your sonic desires, once they have about 300 or more hours on them.
I agree with Soliloquy. That would be my first choice. Also, there is B&W 603 S3. Some used meadowlark can be found at that price.
You must consider/audition GMA Europas (do a search here for "Europa"). They fit your description very well. They bested a pair of Totem Forests in my system. No doubt, you'll get many suggestions.