small room speakers

A long time I used Dynaudio Audience 40, I sold them because they didn't matched well with my new LFD Mistral amp.
In mind I have: Linn Katan or Quad 11L ( a lot cheaper ).
I listen very near and don't like over-analytical speakers.
Who has experience with the Katan or 11L, other suggestions
also welcome.


Certainly not, what made you think that way?

By the way what I stated are just facts but that means nothing to me.

For me these babies are just priceless.

The more I listen to them the more content I feel, I hope the audiohiles will not kick me out of the community, since, they invariably like to go for a change every now and then. I was also doing the same but now things are slowing down, I am tired of picking up hifi as my back is no longer in same shape it used to be 25 years ago.
Just to help clear things up. The LS3/5 and S3/5 are not the same speaker. I will often see someone mention the S3/5 which was released around 2001 then someone else will second the S3/5 and say they have had some for 20 plus years.

The LS3/5 was a BBC designed monitor that was liscensed to half a dozen or so companies in the mid to late 1970's. The S3/5 is a Spendor design and manufactured exclusively by them.

The're easy to confuse. Although some will like the sound of both, however as pointed out by some professional reviews those who like one may not like the other.

To further confuse the issue Spendor released the S3/5se last year. As pointed out by a poster above some who really love their S3/5 hear the S3/5se as being too bright and analytical. Conversely some who like the S3/5se hear the S3/5 as being a little muffled and not as detailed in comparison.

LS3/5, S3/5 and S3/5se. I know clear as mud, right?
Useful info from Maxxc; I have to take your word for it. With your clarification in mind, what present day product best reprises the virtues of the LS3/5? Spendors aside, how might present model Dynaudio 25s, Harbeths, Reference 3a Dulcets or MM de Capos stack up? Other, better comparators?