Infinity IRS BETA Servo with Balanced Pre/Amps

I am trying to connect a pair of IRS Beta with 2 Classe Omega Stereo and ML 32 Pre on the Balanced circuit. The servo however, has only RCA connectors. The result, if I connect the panels in XLR and the Lows in RCA, is difference in dynamics, forcing me to raise the servo volume to higher than normal levels and the sound is not integrated. The RCA option is my last choice, as the system underperforms. All cables are the same and for RCA are Nordost SPM or Symphonic Line and NBS for XLR

Any ideas on how to fix this?
Hey.....yes, I was right and so were you!!!! I heard the RS 1-B's you are talking about!!! I was at the great "Shady-Marks" house a few times. I agree with you 100% about his system and his listening ability.

P.S. Are you in the NYC area? I might know you also?
I moved to NJ some years ago.If you know Dave Nemzer or ED Maron,as well as the GREAT MARKS we may have met.Also,do you know REINA,as he has a bunch of pals,some of which I've met.
I know Dave as I am also a member on the NY Audiophile club (although don't attend many meetings). We probably have you know "the great Ross"??
Truthfully I'm happy being on the edge of the N.Y. inner circle.I like my privacy,and find too many EXPERTS that are always preaching to me,as to what to upgrade to or how loud to listen.I get a headache very easily from crappy sound at high volumes,which is what seems to be the latest norm.If you make an effort to hear some of the "IN" equip. I think you would be surprised as to how much of it really sounds like actual music.Not much!What I've been doing is to selectively go to a few guys for interesting listening sessions that are more music based,as I'm tired of the audio merry go round.
SirSpeedy...I agree with your comments. You and you friends are welcome to visit my listening room anytime you'd like!