Infinity IRS BETA Servo with Balanced Pre/Amps

I am trying to connect a pair of IRS Beta with 2 Classe Omega Stereo and ML 32 Pre on the Balanced circuit. The servo however, has only RCA connectors. The result, if I connect the panels in XLR and the Lows in RCA, is difference in dynamics, forcing me to raise the servo volume to higher than normal levels and the sound is not integrated. The RCA option is my last choice, as the system underperforms. All cables are the same and for RCA are Nordost SPM or Symphonic Line and NBS for XLR

Any ideas on how to fix this?
SirSpeedy...I agree with your comments. You and you friends are welcome to visit my listening room anytime you'd like!
Rwd,That is a really nice offer,and I'm sure it would be a great listening session.I get the impression you are a thoughtful, decent person.I may have to take you up on that offer after we get out of the deep freeze.Maybe I could get together with you,and some of the other guys(DAVE and SID included)at HE 2005.We usually all go out for dinner after the show.
That's a wonderful idea! I believe the dates for the NY show are April 28th to May 1st. I will be there. Please e-mail me when you and the "gang" are set to go.
Here is my e-mail:
I assume that you have given up. However, the solution is/was fairly simple IFF.. If your pre has both bal/XLR and RCA outputs and is designed to use both simultaneiouly, then...
--- Connect the XLR outs to the mid/tweeter amps. Verify that the psssive xover is stock. The passive will block all freqs below 100Hz hiting the L-EMIMs. Connect the RCAs to the External controller, woofer amps, then the woofers.. Simple.