Recommendation on MC cartidge and Phono Preamp

I currently have a Mac MA-6600 and Revel F-30 speakers. I recently pre ordered a new VPI Prime turntable. Assuming a budget of $2500-$3000 what would you suggest. Should I be looking at a tube phono preamp vs SS too? Thanks.
Lyra Delos/Pro-ject Phono Box RS Reference will fit right in your budget; $1,650.00/$999.00 respectively.
If your budget can tolerate the small stretch, you might consider a Herron VTPH-2. I haven't heard anything better. I'd strongly suggest a call to Keith Herron before you buy a different unit.
For the kind of money you are budgeting, I would consider a moving magnet cartridge, although there are some MC cartridges available for under $1000 that are quite nice. You can see though that this does not leave you with much of a budget for a preamp if you spent $1K on a cartridge!

The Denon 103r or variants are relatively affordable and actually have stellar performance. That would allow you to spend about $2500 or slightly more on a preamp.

*** manufacturer disclaimer warning: ***
FWIW we just introduced a LOMC capable preamp in this price range.
Ralph, I gave him the same advice on his other thread.

To the OP, Atmasphere designs and builds phono stages (and other amplifiers) for a living. He's also a recording and LP production engineer. He knows whereof he speaks.