Gallo reference /TAS vs Me

I spent a fair amount of time listening to the new reference speakers from Gallo a few months ago and dismissed them as closed in-particularly in the mids- and opaque in the soundstage and generally disapointing. Now TAS puts out a review which goes against everything I heard. Am I losing my hearing or are TAS and I listening to two different speakers? FYI the dealer used Musical Fidelity electronics with the Gallos and I listen with Maggie 3.5s and BAT electronics.
In my room the Gallo's still need EXTENSIVE break in, but already:
1) Look good (meet the family's approval)
2) Are flexible about placement
3) Have great dispersion (more than two consenting adults may share the sweet spot)
$) Are fast and extended (scary-fabulous tweeter!)
4) Render the acoustic well (good depth)
5) Throw better and more quality-bass than any of my previous speakers (various Quads)
6) Are easy to drive and tube friendly (CJ MV-60)
7) Sound great at low volumes (late at night)
8) Continue to improve daily

As a former Quad-57/63 listener, my listening confirms that this speaker is a whole new game.

I am awaiting a pair of the cigar box size NuForce Reference 8 Mono's, 100wpc Class D amps to try with the Gallo's full-range, and will let you know what I hear. Could be the ticket, or with their damping factor of >4000(!) the NuForce may be the perfect bass amp.

More to follow...

Good listening, with good music!
Just another thought on the IRD's. They are 200wpc into 4 ohms, which is the ohmage of the sub bass input. What this reiterates is how minimally the addition of another amp may effect your listening enjoyment if you have good amps to begin with...

I tried woofers facing out and woofer facing in. With the speakers at least 5' from the side walls (no reinforcement from the side walls) I prefered the sound with the woofers facing in... more bass
So, with bass drivers each other on the long wall of my listening room I heard:
More toe-in produced better midrange dynamics (voices more emotionally expressive... but the trade-off is a less defined bass.
And, with little or no toe-in... more and firmer bass, but with less midrange dynamics (snare and voices become compressed).